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Install Oh My Posh Theme Engine

1 minute read

Today for Day 12 of 100 Days of Code I’m going to install the Oh My Posh Prompt theme engine, Nerd Fonts and Terminal Icons into my powershell profile.

Creating a PowerShell Profile Repository

2 minute read

For day 11 of 100 Days of Code, I’m going to create a new repo to host my PowerShell Profile The profile gets a...

Adding Teaser Images and Favicons

1 minute read

Welcome to Day 9 of 100, I’m going to show how to add a favicon (which is the browser tab icon) and a teaser image, which is a small image related to a spec...

Add show_date to Minimal Mistakes Theme

less than 1 minute read

Out of the box Minimal Mistakes theme does not show the date on posts, just the read time. I want to add that functionality to my blog and luckily I found s...